Fire Extinguisher HCFC-123

Manufacture: Masteco
Product code: HCFC-123

MT3 fire extinguisher how many kg
✅ What is MT3 fire extinguisher
✅ MT3 fire extinguisher construction ,3kg CO2 fire extinguisher
✅ MFZ4 fire extinguisher , MT5 CO2 fire extinguisher, ABC fire extinguisher,MFZL4 fire extinguisher , HCFC-123 fire extinguisher is a Masteco gas fire extinguisher imported Korea


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Product information

Product Features

- Great usability

- -Zero residue or secondary damage after quenching

-Zero acts on non-conductive electronic products

- Easy to operate, anyone can use it

Place of installation

-Electrical equipment and electronic equipment such as mountain room and engine room

-Utilities such as offices, apartments, houses

-Access and main means of transport such as plane, train, subway and train

-Cultural facilities such as art museums and museums

-Capable handling facilities such as oil depots and gas stations

Bình chữa cháy HCFC-123


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