Fire Alarm Center, Theft Alarm Networx NX-4

Manufacture: USA
Product code: Networx NX-4

Product code: NX-4 Manufacturer: Networx (GE) , Origin: USA , 12 month warranty ,NetworX 8 zone fire alarm control cabinet  Instructions for programming Networx fire alarms ,Programming of fire alarm center NX8 nangcap24zon , Number of connection degrees of fire alarm cabinet Networx NX4 , Instructions for using Networx fire alarm center ,Instructions for using Networx NX4 , NETWORX NX4 ,NETWORX NX8


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

NetworX NX-4 Control Center:

There are 4 programmable zones

Can be divided 4 independent partitions

All zones can be programmed for fire alarm / burglar alarm

There are 99 codes for the user 2 or 4 wire smoke detectors can be connected

Allow/disallow upload/download

Design the board according to the module structure 4 programmable outputs for 47 events

Swinger shutdown (automatic bypass when detecting false alarms)

Horn monitoring

Allow to enter reluctant monitoring mode (bypass)

Automatically enter monitoring mode

Verifying fire alarm information

Priority telephone line for the system In-board horn controller

Three emergency keys Self-check the tank

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