Eco-friendly multi-purpose fire extinguishing agent 1 3 6 percent

Manufacture: INGESCO
Product code: 1 3 6 percent

Snowfoam-136 is Korea's first eco-friendly multi-purpose fire extinguishing agent that does not use fluorine . One fire extinguishing agent called Snowfoam-136 functions as three products depending on the concentration used, so it can be applied to various types of fires. Through the use of SNOWFORM-136, which has excellent versatility, various economic effects can be obtained by reducing the storage space for drugs by 1/3 and utilizing manpower and equipment by 3 times.


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information


Concentration used operating temperature Property applied fire
1% -10℃
infiltration extinguishing agent CAFS, general fire and spill emulsifie
3% Synthetic surfactant foaming agent Large-scale fire and oil storage facility fire
6% Alcohol-type foaming agent alcohol fire

3 functions and effects by concentration

OneFunction of 1% infiltration fire extinguishing agent

Used for CAFS 1% ( Compressed Air Foam System )

- Rapid suppression of fire with suffocation and cooling effects by generating a large amount of dense bubbles

- Prevents fire damage expanding by forming a barrier between fire and combustion body by forming adhesive bubbles on vertical and ceiling surfaces

Used for general fires and spilled oil fires

2. Function of 3% synthetic surfactant foaming agent

Foam agent for B-class fire suppression that can be applied to large-scale fires and oil storage facility fires

Used for car fires, spilled oil fires, oil storage facility fires, etc.

It is safer and more eco-friendly than other class B fire extinguishing agents because fluorine is not used.

3. Function of 6% alcohol foaming agent

Applied to alcohol fires such as esters, which are water-soluble solvents

Excellent fire resistance to prevent re-ignition

The only eco-friendly product in Korea that does not contain fluorine

It is easy to store in winter due to its low viscosity and is easily applied to various fire extinguishing equipment for fire suppression.


item detail
biodegradable 97% or more
Fluorine, Bromine, RoHS non-detection
PFOA / PFOS / PFHxS / 8:2 FTOH non-detection
ecotoxicity Excellent
96h-LD50 ≥ 1,000 ppm based on 6% aqueous solution
skin irritation Based on non-irritating
Non Hazard Class 6% aqueous solution
acute oral toxicity Very low
Category 5 ( 5000 ≥ LD50 ≥ 2000 ) based on 6% aqueous solution

The higher the ppm level of ecotoxicity and acute oral toxicity, the better.

Eco-friendly product that returns to nature 100% over time

It has excellent corrosion resistance to metals such as iron, copper, brass, bronze, and aluminum, so it can be safely used even when stored for a long time in expensive firefighting equipment.


Do not mix with fire extinguishing agents other than this product.

Pay attention to the operating temperature range and avoid direct sunlight.

Storage containers and tanks must be sealed to prevent inflow of foreign substances the outside.


200L Drum, 20L Pail (PVC or Chemical Drum)


Korea Fire Industry and Technology Institute (KFI) type approval

Green Technology Certification

Confirmation of green technology products

performance certification

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