Dual Pressure Automatic Spray Hose With Handle, India Multi-Purpose Nozzle

Manufacture: Newage
Product code: Dual Pressure Automatic Spray

Dual Pressure Automatic Spray Hose With Swivel arm is a multi-function fire sprinkler with a lever  price of d13 fire hydrant Technical advice on fire hydrant  Warranty of multipurpose fire hydrant 12 months Genuine supply  Contact pcccdongnam.vn to receive a quote for Viking Ty5137 and Ty5237 sprinkler heads facing up and down...


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Detailed description of Dual Pressure Automatic Spray Hose With Handle

Lăng Phun Tự Động Áp Suất Kép Có tay Gạt, Lăng Phun Đa Năng Ấn Độ

- Specially designed dual pressure nozzles

- In emergency mode (at low pressure), always maintain the same performance

- Durable lightweight anodized construction

- Sliding valve allows turbulent flow

- The jet stream is straight to the wide mist and discharges without shutting off

- Molded rubber bumper with flexible fog teeth creates a thick fog pattern

- Pistol grip designed for greater comfort and fire control - 1/5 lu / 2.5 male instant / Storz / BSP or NH or NST available Parameters of Dual Pressure Automatic Nozzle With Swivel

Lăng Phun Tự Động Áp Suất Kép Có tay Gạt, Lăng Phun Đa Năng Ấn Độ

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