Doosan P086TI ,Diesel fire fighting pump

Manufacture: Doosan
Product code: P086TI

Price list of Doosan P086TI020 Diesel Fire Fighting Pump Firefighting pump,Fire protection pump,P086TI Diesel Pump, DOOSAN Korea P086TI Diesel Engine made in Korea, genuine fire pump, 12 month warranty, 24/7 consultation: 0917.911.114


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
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Bơm chữa cháy pccc Mitsuky P086TI

Price list of Doosan P086TI020 Diesel Fire Fighting Pump

⭐Firefighting pump,Fire protection pump,P086TI Diesel Pump,

DOOSAN Korea P086TI Diesel Engine made in Korea, genuine fire pump,

12 month warranty,

24/7 consultation: 0917.911.114


- Engine helps the machine operate better, save more fuel.

- There are many capacities to choose from, strong speed.

- High reliability and durability.

- Doosan products achieve the highest performance.

- The details used in Doosan's machinery are designed in-house to ensure maximum performance and quality.


- Used in the installation of fire pumps

- Urban and rural water supply and drainage

- Industry - Flood prevention

- Aquaculture

- High-rise buildings, apartments

- Fire protection and prevention

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