Diesel Fire Pump Tesu N100-100 Hp

Manufacture: Tesu
Product code: N100

Tesu N100-100 Hp Diesel Fire Pump 100% imported components, assembled in Vietnam , 12 months genuine warranty, nationwide delivery , Installation advice and quotation please contact Contact us right away when you have a need , we provide tohatsu fire pump, ebara fire pump catalog ,honda fire pump, fire booster pump, diesel fire pump 30hp , electric pump quote , tubos pump


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

DEPRECATED diesel engine water pump

Máy Bơm cứu hoả Diesel Tesu N100-100 Hp, Kiểm máy bơm trục rới


Origin Thailand POWER 100HP

Water-cooled 4-cylinder engine

Pump head brand tesu ste (Thailand)

MODEN : 125-250 Flow: 490 - 150 m3/h

Head: 35 – 95 m (Start topic)

Pumps assembled in Vietnam

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