CV 1FR One-way valve Tyco

Manufacture: Tyco
Product code: CV 1FR

One-way valve Riser Check Valve 2" through 8" Meets UL, C-UL, & FM standards We advise this valve immediately 100% real picture 12 month manufacturer warranty Contact Immediately with Southeast get a quote


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

- Sizes 2 (DN50) to 12 (DN300)

- Intended for use in a wet type automatic sprinkler system riser

- Fitted with grooved ends compatible with grooved pipes and couplings

- Can be installed with ANSI class 150 or 300 Flang using flange adapters

- Designed with removable cover for easy field maintenance

- Standard seal is grade EP E E EP EPDM

- Rated maximum working pressure is 300 psi (20.7 bar)

- Listing and approvals: UL, C-UL, & FM.

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