CT 3000 OT multi-sensor photothermal detector

Manufacture: Detectomat
Product code: CT 3000 OT

CT 3000 OT ⭐ heat detector combined with optical sensor , Fire detector Detectomat , structure : ABS plastic , Sensitivity : < 0.15 dB/m 60
°C rate of rise , heat detector usually combined with increasing , 12 months nationwide warranty, contact: 0917.911.114


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

• Intelligent analysis of the thermal sensor

• Intelligent analysis of chamber signal


Operating voltage 9 to 33 V DC
Static current 100 µA
Open collector output 15 mA for Led indicator
Sensitivity < 0,15 dB/m 60°C rate of increase
Working temperature -10°C to +60°C
Humidity max. 95 %/RH/40°C
Protection class IP 30
Color White
Structure ABS
EN 54-7
Certifications available upon request

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