CO2 fire extinguishers what you need to know


4kg CO2 fire extinguisher used to fight any fire? Other CO2 Fire Extinguishers Powder Fire Extinguishers? Comparing CO2 and powder extinguishers, What are the characteristics of CO2 fire extinguishers? How much does a 3kg 8kg CO2 fire extinguisher cost, what types of CO2 extinguishers are included?

CO2 fire extinguishers What are the things you need to know? Today let's discuss this fire fighting equipment

1. CO2 fire extinguishers are the fire extinguishers of choice for what fires?

- For fires related to electricity, they often use this type of extinguisher to help extinguish the fire more effectively. Although they also work on flammable liquid fires (class B). Simple explanation so you can understand more deeply. This type of extinguisher is often combined with foam fire extinguishers. CO2 fire extinguishers are also known as carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.

- Intended for use on fires involving equipment such as computers or generators ('electrical' fires), certain flammable liquids, such as gasoline, diesel and paint ('type fires B').

- Do not use a CO2 fire extinguisher on: Cooking fires involving oil and grease, such as chip pan fires ('class F' fires)

Bình chữa cháy CO2 những điều bạn cần biết

Bình chữa cháy CO2 những điều bạn cần biết

2. How to identify CO2 fire extinguishers:

• BLACK label clearly states 'CO2'

• The nozzle ends in a distinctive black 'horn'

• Should be identified by the fire extinguisher identification sign mounted nearby

- 'CO fire extinguisher 3. Commonly used sizes of CO2 fire extinguishers:

• 2 kg

• 3kg

• 4 kg

• 5 kg (most commonly used)

• 8 kg

4. How CO2 fire extinguishers work:

- CO2 fire extinguishers emit CO2 gas, also known as carbon dioxide. This substance is stored in the fire extinguisher as a liquid and gas that is created under pressure when the handle of the fire extinguisher is squeezed.

- This causes the CO2 gas to rise at great speed, which is why CO2 fire extinguishers are not recommended for use on chip pan fires

- they can literally blow the flames into other areas. surrounding area.

- Unlike water and foam fire extinguishers, CO2 fire extinguishers do not work by cooling the fire and are therefore not effective on fires involving flammable solids.

- Instead, CO2 fire extinguishers work by replacing the oxygen surrounding the fire with carbon dioxide, meaning the fire can no longer burn.

- Advantages and disadvantages of CO2 fire extinguishers:

- Advantages: extremely effective on electrical fires; Do not leave any residue behind when they are used.

- Disadvantages: risk of frostbite if the user holds the fire extinguisher by the horn; less environmentally friendly than other types of fire extinguishers; They replace oxygen in the air with CO2, so there is a risk of suffocation if used in confined spaces.

- Where should CO2 fire extinguishers be used?:

- CO2 fire extinguishers should be standard issue for premises with a direct electrical fire hazard, such as:

• Offices

• Shop

• School

• Hospital

• Factory

• Enterprise

- CO2 fire extinguishers are especially suitable for offices where there are many office electrical equipment. Pairs of CO2 and Foam fire extinguishers are often recommended for this type of interior environment, as this covers the majority of possible fire hazards. - As for CO2 fire extinguishers, the things you need to know about using this type of extinguisher are as follows:

- Remember - do not use a CO2 fire extinguisher in a confined space (narrow space)

- In all cases, first remove the safety pin to break the tamper-proof seal and stand back from the fire. Avoid holding a fire extinguisher by the horn.

- Remove the safety latch

- Use CO2 fire extinguishers carefully, avoid holding the fire extinguisher by the horn.

- Remember

- do not use a CO2 fire extinguisher in a confined space.

- In all cases, first remove the safety pin to break the tamper-proof seal and stand back from the fire. Avoid holding a fire extinguisher by the horn. p Using a fire extinguisher

: • Aim the horn at the base of the flame and move the CO2 gas stream back and forth

• Electrical fire: Turn off electrical equipment if it is safe to do so

• Liquid fires: Be careful not to splash burning liquids into adjacent areas








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