- The Bladder Tank Foam Proportioning System utilizes the water pressure to inject foam concentrate a water supply and automatically proportions foam concentrate over wide range of flow and pressure, with very low pressure drop. - This system uses water pressure as a source of power with the added advantage of a collapsible bladder that physically separates the foam concentrate the water supply. -The reinforced elastomeric bladder can be used with all types of foam concentrates. - One of the most common systems used for foam porportioning. - Very efficient system ideal for range of foam discharge devices like foam chamber, sprinklers and monitors.
- Ease of operation, systems require no outside source of power or pump other than flowing water under pressure for delivery of foam solution to the discharge devices.
- Supports wide range, of flow & pressure rates, without any adjustments.
- Very Low Pressure Drop
- Design simplicity minimizes system failure due to mechanical or operation error.
- Cost advantage as compared to foam pumps or foam dosing systems.
- Minimized installation costs compared to other proportioning methods.
- Reduced system size and water demand can be realized in certain applications.
- Easy retrofit existing extinguishing systems.
- Tank manufactured as per ASME Section VIII Div1, ASME Boiler and Pressure VesselCode.
- UL Listed
- WithCE Mark
- Multiple proportionerscanbeconnectedto one bladdertank to support variousHazard locations.
- HD Bladdertanks come pre-pipedwithratio controllermounted on the tanks.
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