Basic handling methods in case of fire and explosion


Phương pháp xử lý cơ bản khi có cháy nổ xảy ra

There are 3 basic fire fighting methods:

1.Separation of oxygen from combustibles (isolation):

Is a method of isolating oxygen from the combustible substance or separating the combustible substance from the burning area.

Use the extinguishing agent to cover the surface of the combustible material. Prevent oxygen in the air with combustible material. At the same time, move the flammable object out of the fire area.

The equipment used in isolation has the effect of isolation such as installing pots, sand, fire-fighting foam, blankets, sacks, canvas.

2. Dilute the concentration of oxygen and the mixture of combustible substances (asphyxiation)It is the use of substances that do not participate in the combustion reaction to spray into the fire area to dilute the concentration of oxygen and the burning mixture to the point that suffocation cannot maintain the fire.

Use extinguishing agents such as CO2, nitrogen (N2) inert foam.

3. Cooling method (endothermic)

The use of flame retardants capable of collecting heat to reduce the temperature of the fire to less than the ignition temperature of the combustible material the fire will extinguish.

Use extinguishing agents such as cold inert gas CO2, N2 H2O. When using fire-fighting water, care should be taken not to use water to fight fires with electricity, hydrophobic chemicals such as gasoline, oil, gas and fires with a high temperature above 19000C but too little water.

Phương pháp xử lý cơ bản khi có cháy nổ xảy ra

Procedure for handling when problems occur:

In the event of a fire, the following actions should be urgently carried out:

1. Fire alarm (automatic, fire, tri ho)

2. Cut off power to the fire area

3. Organize the rescue of people in distress, rescue people and move properties out of the fire area.

4. Organize forces to use on-site fire-fighting means to fight fires.

5. Call the nearest professional fire brigade to call the fire alarm or report it to the city's fire fighting center (tel 114).

6. Protecting and preventing bad elements from taking advantage of fire fighting to steal properties, maintaining order and serving favorable fire fighting.

7. Guide the parking lot to see the source of fire fighting water for the professional fire force when they come to support.

8. Closely coordinate with the professional fire fighting force to fight the fire.

9. Deploy forces to protect the fire scene after extinguishing the fire.

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