Basic fire fighting measures that you should know


Currently, the number of fire and explosion accidents tends to increase, causing many consequences and impacts, causing serious damage to people and property. Many fire prevention measures have been put in place to minimize the risk of fire or explosion or minimize damage. The following are the three most basic fire fighting measures that have been given by fire protection agencies:

Separating oxygen from flammable substances: this is the starting point for common and highly effective fire-fighting equipment. This measure is carried out according to the principle of isolating oxygen from flammable substances. In some cases, people can fire in the direction of separating the flammable substance from the burning area. Because oxygen always exists in the air and it is this gas that is the driving force to maintain the increasingly intense fire. Isolate oxygen from the combustible to cut off the driving force that maintains the fire, so that the fire can be controlled more easily.


Basic fire fighting measures that you should know


- You can use any fire extinguishing device that can be placed on the surface of the flammable substance, and at the same time, you can quickly move the placed flammable substance out of the fire area if conditions allow. Equipment that isolates flammable substances and oxygen such as sand, firefighting foam, blankets, mattresses, sacks... You can place the above equipment around the living area to ensure safety. safe when a fire accidentally occurs.

- Asphyxiation measure: this measure is performed based on the principle of diluting the concentration of oxygen and flammable substances. We can use substances that do not participate in explosive reactions to spray into the burning area to dilute the concentration of oxygen and flammable substances. Then these compounds will be suffocated and the burning cannot be sustained for long. Some substances are frequently used for asphyxiation such as CO2 gas, nitrogen (N2) and inert foam.

- Cooling measures, also known as endothermic measures: to carry out this measure, people must prepare fire extinguishing agents capable of reducing the temperature of the fire such as cold inert gases CO2, N2 H2O . However, a limitation of this measure is that it cannot be used in fires where electric current is still active, fire areas containing gasoline, oil and fires with high temperatures above 19000C to avoid the phenomenon of fire. Serious fire and explosion situations and overload due to insufficient fire extinguishing agents.  

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