Article 7 of Decree 79 2014 Safety conditions for fire prevention and fighting for establishments


In 2022, with the implementation of Decree 79/2014, the law amending and supplementing fire prevention and fighting equipment What are the mandatory provisions for fire prevention and fighting equipment in hotels?. is a safety condition for fire prevention and fighting business for production and business establishments, or many other industries

Regarding fire prevention and fighting safety conditions for current facilities according to Decree 79/2014 amending the law on fire prevention and fighting, regulations


Điều 7 nghị định 79 2014 Điều kiện an toàn về phòng cháy và chữa cháy đối với cơ sở

1. Facilities with fire and explosion hazards specified in Appendix II issued with this Decree must ensure the following fire prevention and fighting safety conditions:

a) There are regulations, rules, prohibition signs, signs, diagrams or instruction signs on fire prevention and fighting and escape appropriate to the characteristics and nature of the facility's operations.

b) There are regulations and assignment of responsibilities and tasks for fire prevention and fighting in the facility.

c) Electrical system, lightning protection, anti-static; equipment that uses electricity, generates fire, and generates heat; The use of fire and heat sources must ensure fire prevention and fighting safety. d) Have safe technical procedures for fire prevention and fighting suitable to production, business and service conditions.

d) Have a local and specialized fire prevention and fighting force that is trained in fire prevention and fighting skills and is permanently organized to be ready to fight fires to meet on-site fire fighting requirements.

e) Have a fire fighting and escape plan approved by a competent authority according to the provisions of Article 21 of this Decree.

g) Have transportation systems, water supply, communication systems for fire fighting, fire alarm, fire fighting, fire prevention systems, other fire prevention and fighting means, and rescue means appropriate to the nature, The characteristics of the facility ensure quantity, quality and operation in accordance with standards and technical regulations on fire prevention and fighting or according to regulations of the Ministry of Public Security.

h) There is a document of approval and acceptance of fire prevention and fighting from the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency for the works specified in Appendix IV issued with this Decree. i) Have records of management and monitoring of fire prevention and fighting activities according to regulations of the Ministry of Public Security. According to the above, we must meet the following conditions on fire prevention and fighting safety conditions for facilities according to this decree to ensure fire and explosion safety.

2. Facilities subject to fire prevention and fighting management specified in Appendix I issued with this Decree but are not facilities at risk of fire or explosion must ensure safe fire prevention conditions. and fire fighting according to the provisions of Clause 1 of this Article in accordance with the scale and nature of operations of that facility and in accordance with standards and technical regulations on fire prevention and fighting.

3. Fire prevention and fighting safety conditions specified in Clause 1 of this Article must be implemented and maintained throughout the operation.



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