AnyFire IG-100 TM clean gas fire extinguishing system
Gas Fire Extinguishing System IG-100 Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that makes up 78% of the air around us. including Argon gas and a mixture of Nitrogen and Argon. Nitrogen has the highest extinguishing efficiency ,The extinguishing of the fire (flame) is done by reducing the oxygen concentration in the air to less than 13.9% (the density of the extinguishing gas to extinguish the fire). Nitrogen gas is the most suitable type for an overarching fire suppression system because it does not produce thermal decomposition products, so it is very safe for humans. Nitrogen gas is not capable of producing corrosive gases during thermal decomposition, does not adversely affect the environment.
- SNS IG-100 CLEAN GAS FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM is researched and manufactured right in Vietnam. The introduction of the SNS IG-100 CLEAN GAS FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM.
- SNS-IG 100 clean gas fire extinguishing system is researched and manufactured according to Vietnamese standards TCVN 7161-1, NFPA 2001 and other international standards such as KFI (Korea), ISO 2001
- Integrated pressure relief technology with tank head valve (8MPa)
- Pipes allow large distances
- Maximum protection area of the nozzle 14 m x 14 m
- Pipes using Sch40 or equivalent
- Tank 84L/280 bar / 20.7m3 N2
- Standards: TCVN/NFPA/ISO/KFi
- Safe for the environment: N2 inert gas, GWP: 0, Ozone destruction index (ODP): 0
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