Shilla 2 ways wet fire hydrant Y Type

Product code : Shilla 2 ways

Y-Type 2-door Shilla wet hydrant can be installed and used in places where there is no danger of freezing. The structure is simple, so there is no risk of breakage or damage  and internal and external anti-corrosion paint is applied. The possibility of corrosion has been minimized. There are 2 doors, 3 doors and 4 doors  Hose connection valve and Pump connection valve, It can be used by attaching waterproof gun & windshield conveniently

Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

Descriptions Shilla 2 ways wet fire hydrant Y Type

- Can be used with diaphragm valve and pressure reducing valve


- Type: Non-self-draining closed post

- Inlet size: ANSI #150 4” R.F or F.F Flange

- Outlet size : Two FE65 Threaded or Flange

- Structure : Pipe -Carbon Steel (SPPS, SGP) Flange

- A105 or Ductile - Surface paint: Yellow or red

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