Panasonic 4466 Power Supply

Product code : 4466

Tested and approved according to EN54-4 ⭐ EN54-17 and EN54-18 , Approval VdS: G219025 , CPR: 0786-CPR-21627 , 1. Specifications ,Voltage: 230 V AC , Temperature operation: - 5 to +40
° C , Ambient humidity: < 95% , Dimensions: 298x424x95 mm , Weight: 4.7 kg including battery , IP30

Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

1. Features

- Monitor power, charging and communication failures

- Space for two expansion boards type 4464 and 4585

- Built-in short circuit isolator

- Automatically output 4 A when fire alarm

- Space for 7.2 Ah battery inside the case

- Up to 42 Ah in external battery cabinet

- Tested and approved according to EN54-4, - EN54-17 and EN54-18

- Approved VdS: G219025 - CPR: 0786-CPR-21627

2. Specifications

- Voltage: 230 V AC

- Operating temperature: - 5 to +40 °C

- Ambient humidity: <95%

- Dimensions: 298x424x95 mm

- Weight: 4.7 kg including battery

- IP30

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3. Similar products

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