Product code : DEKON SB604

Mã sản phẩm : SB604 ⭐
✅ giá : 0917911114 ⭐
✅ Liên hệ mua lắp đặt cho hệ thống DEKON

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Product information

The SB604 fire alarm base has an elegant color and design made of white ABS plastic to help prevent dust in different environmental conditions. The multi-connection feature and complete compatibility with the DD and ED series sirens are plus points for the product. The base and siren are contacted by stainless steel feet, creating peace of mind for users in the increasingly demanding era of modern society. The role of the SB604 siren base has been raised to a new level when the alarm sound intensity is up to 87bB to minimize loss and bring alarm information to more users. Diameter: 12cm. Height 4.3cm For good price and technical advice on SB604 fire siren base and products related to addressable fire alarm system and conventional fire alarm system, please do not hesitate to contact the information below! See more fire alarm bases here


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