9 conditions for doing business in fire prevention and fighting services


According to Decree 79/2014/ND-CP stipulating and promulgating an amended law on fire protection service business, fire prevention and fighting equipment business is strictly regulated for individuals, organizations and businesses. .if the issued lawsuit is not sufficient, it will be handled according to current law.

Article 41. Conditions for enterprises and business establishments regarding design consulting, appraisal consulting, supervision consulting, inspection consulting, and technical inspection of fire prevention and fighting are one of the 9 Conditions for business of fire prevention and fighting services are stipulated as follows:

1. The head of the enterprise and the legal representative of the establishment must have a diploma or certificate of training in fire prevention and fighting knowledge.

2. Enterprises and establishments must have individuals qualified to practice fire prevention and fighting services, specifically: a) Have at least 01 individual with a design consultancy practice certificate; appraisal consultancy, supervision consultancy, inspection consultancy, technical inspection of fire prevention and fighting according to the provisions of Points b and c, Clause

3, Article 47 of this Decree. b) Have at least 01 individual holding the position of leader in design, appraisal, supervision, inspection, and technical inspection of fire prevention and fighting as prescribed in Clause 4, Article 47 of this Decree.


3. Have a place of operation; means, equipment, and locations to ensure the implementation of design consulting, appraisal consulting, supervision consulting, inspection, and technical inspection of fire prevention and fighting.

Article 42. Conditions for enterprises and business establishments regarding consulting activities for transferring fire prevention and fighting technology; Training and guidance on fire prevention and fighting

1. The head of the enterprise and the legal representative of the establishment must have a diploma or certificate of training in fire prevention and fighting knowledge.

2. Have at least 01 person with a university degree specializing in fire prevention and fighting or a specialized university degree appropriate to the business field, who has passed at least a training course on fire prevention and fighting knowledge. 06 months.

3. Have a place of operation; Means, equipment, and location to ensure the implementation of technology transfer consulting; means and equipment for training, training locations, and instructions on fire prevention and fighting operations.

Article 43. Conditions for businesses and establishments that construct and install fire prevention and fighting systems (article 2 of 9 conditions for fire prevention and fighting service business)

1. The head of the enterprise and the legal representative of the establishment must have a diploma or certificate of training in fire prevention and fighting knowledge.

2. Have at least 01 construction commander in charge of fire prevention and fighting.

3. Have an operating location and facilities, vehicles, equipment and machinery to ensure the construction and installation of fire prevention and fighting systems.

Article 44. Conditions for enterprises and establishments producing and assembling fire prevention and fighting vehicles and equipment

1. The head of the enterprise and the legal representative of the establishment must have a diploma or certificate of training in fire prevention and fighting knowledge.

2. Have at least 01 person with a university degree specializing in fire prevention and fighting or a specialized university degree appropriate to the business field, who has passed at least a training course on fire prevention and fighting knowledge. 06 months.

3. Have a place of operation; have factories, vehicles and equipment to ensure production and assembly of vehicles and fire prevention and fighting equipment.

Article 45. Conditions for businesses and establishments selling fire prevention and fighting vehicles, equipment and supplies 1. The head of the enterprise and the legal representative of the establishment must have a diploma or certificate of training in fire prevention and fighting knowledge.

2. Have at least 02 people with certificates of training in fire prevention and fighting knowledge appropriate to business activities.

3. Have an operating location and facilities, means, and equipment to ensure the business of fire prevention and fighting means, equipment, and supplies.

Article 46. Conditions for individuals practicing fire prevention and fighting services Individuals are allowed to practice fire prevention and fighting services when meeting the following conditions:

1. Have a diploma or practicing certificate in fire prevention and fighting appropriate to business activities.

2. Operating for an enterprise or establishment providing fire prevention and fighting services.

Article 47. Diplomas and certificates in fire prevention and fighting and conditions for holding the position of leader in design, appraisal, inspection, and technical inspection of fire prevention and fighting are the most important conditions of the 9 Conditions for business of fire prevention and fighting services

1. Diploma in fire prevention and fighting includes:

a) University degree specializing in fire prevention and fighting.

b) College degree specializing in fire prevention and fighting.

c) Specialized intermediate degree in fire prevention and fighting.

2. Fire prevention and fighting certificates include:

a) Certificate of training in knowledge of fire prevention and fighting.

b) Certificate of practice in design consultancy on fire prevention and fighting.

c) Certificate of practice in consulting and appraisal of fire prevention and fighting. d) Certificate of practice in fire prevention and fighting supervision consulting.

d) Certificate of practice in consulting on inspection and technical inspection of fire prevention and fighting.

e) Certificate of training for construction commanders on fire prevention and fighting.

3. Conditions for issuance of fire prevention and fighting certificates:

a) To be granted a certificate of training in knowledge of fire prevention and fighting, individuals must pass a training course in knowledge of fire prevention and fighting for at least 06 months. b) Individuals to be granted a certificate to practice design consultancy, appraisal consultancy, inspection consultancy, and technical inspection of fire prevention and fighting must meet the following requirements:

- Have a university degree in fire prevention and fighting or a specialized university degree appropriate to the field of consulting activities and have been granted a certificate of training in fire prevention and fighting knowledge;

- Have at least 05 years of experience in the field of design consulting or appraisal consulting or technical inspection and testing consulting on fire prevention and fighting and have participated in the design of at least 05 projects.

c) Individuals who are granted a certificate of practice as fire prevention and fighting supervision consultants must meet the following requirements:

- Have an intermediate level of fire prevention and fighting or higher or a specialized level appropriate to the field of consulting and supervision activities and have been granted a certificate of training in fire prevention and fighting knowledge;

- Have at least 03 years of experience participating in design or construction or construction supervision, installation of fire prevention and fighting systems, and have passed training courses in construction supervision skills.

d) Individuals to be granted a certificate of training for construction commanders in fire prevention and fighting must meet the following requirements:

- Have an intermediate level of fire prevention and fighting or higher or a specialized level appropriate to the field of activity and have been granted a certificate of training in fire prevention and fighting knowledge;

- Have at least 05 years of experience in construction and installation of fire prevention and fighting systems.

4. Individuals holding the position of leader in design, appraisal, inspection, supervision, and technical inspection of fire prevention and fighting must meet the following conditions:

a) Have a certificate of practice as design consultant or appraisal consultant, consultant on inspection, supervision, and technical inspection of fire prevention and fighting as prescribed in Point b, Clause 3 of this Article.

b) Has performed design consulting, appraisal consulting, inspection consulting, supervision, and technical inspection on fire prevention and fighting for at least 03 projects.

Article 48. Documents and procedures for confirming eligibility to provide fire prevention and fighting services

1. Documents requesting confirmation of eligibility to provide fire prevention and fighting services include: a) Written request for confirmation of eligibility to provide fire prevention and fighting services.

b) Copy of business registration certificate or operation registration certificate of the enterprise or establishment.

c) List of individuals with certificates in fire prevention and fighting appropriate to the field of fire prevention and fighting services of the enterprise or facility; Attached is a copy of the certificate and a copy of the recruitment decision or labor contract of each individual.

d) Copy of the individual's professional qualifications.

d) Documents proving the conditions of facilities, vehicles, and equipment to ensure business operations.

2. Within 07 working days from the date of receipt of complete and valid documents, the competent Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency must complete the confirmation of eligibility for business and fire prevention and fighting services. Fire for businesses and establishments. In case the conditions for confirmation are not met, the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency must respond in writing, clearly stating the reason.

3. Enterprises and establishments may only conduct fire prevention and fighting service business activities after receiving a certificate from the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency certifying their eligibility to conduct fire prevention and fighting service business. on fire.

Article 49. Management, use, exchange, re-issuance and revocation of certificates of eligibility to provide fire prevention and fighting services

1. The head of the enterprise and the legal representative of the establishment providing fire prevention and fighting services are responsible for managing the certificate of eligibility to conduct business in fire prevention and fighting services. It is strictly prohibited to modify, erase, buy, sell, lend or lease certificates of eligibility to provide fire prevention and fighting services.

2. When an enterprise or business establishment goes bankrupt or no longer provides fire prevention and fighting services, the certificate of eligibility to conduct fire prevention and fighting services business is no longer valid; In case of cessation of operation, within 05 days from the date of cessation of operation, the certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting service business must be returned to the previously issued Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency. there; In case of temporary suspension of operations, there must be a written notification to the previously issued Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency of the reason and duration of temporary suspension of business operations.

3. In case the certificate of eligibility to provide fire prevention and fighting services is lost or damaged; If an enterprise or business establishment has a change in name, head, or legal representative or changes in location, industry, or business line of fire prevention and fighting services, the enterprise or business establishment will That business must make a written request to the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency that previously issued the certificate to reissue or exchange a new certificate.

4. Certificate of eligibility to provide fire prevention and fighting services is revoked in the following cases:

a) Enterprises and business establishments go bankrupt or no longer provide fire prevention and fighting services.

b) Failure to ensure the conditions for business of fire prevention and fighting services after being granted a certificate of eligibility for business of fire prevention and fighting services according to the provisions of this Decree. Article 50. Handling of enterprises, establishments providing fire prevention and fighting services and individuals who have been granted practice certificates in fire prevention and fighting before the effective date of this Decree

1. From the effective date of this Decree, businesses and establishments providing fire prevention and fighting services must go to the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency to be confirmed and granted a certificate of eligibility. Conditions for business of fire prevention and fighting services.

2. After 36 months from the effective date of this Decree, if enterprises and establishments do not fully meet the conditions for providing fire prevention and fighting services as prescribed in this Decree, they must terminate their operation. Terminate business in this field.

3. Individuals who have been granted a certificate of fire prevention and fighting that is not issued by the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency must carry out procedures to have their fire prevention and fighting certificate renewed in accordance with regulations. in Clause 3,

Article 47 of this Decree. To be able to do business in mandatory services, organizations, individuals, and businesses must meet the above 9 conditions for fire prevention and fighting service business.

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