5351B-IV, 135oF Fixed Heat Temperature

Manufacture: System Sensor
Product code: 5351B-IV

Choose 135oF Series Fixed Temperature Thermocouple, Ivory Color Designed to Meet UL 268 7th Edition,New Modern Configuration, Analog Communications,Low Standby Current, Rotary Addressable Switch, Dual LEDs for 360
° visibility ,Extended color options


Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information


Diameter 6.2˝ (156 mm) installed inB300-6 Base
Fixed temperature 135 ° F (57 ° C)
Height 2.0˝ (51 mm) installed in B300-6 Base
Max temperature 190 ° F (88 ° C)
Setting Temperature

Set for fixed temperature or rate of rise (ROR): –4 °F to 100 °F (–20 °C to 38 °C)

Set for High Temperature: 4°F to 150°F (-20°C to 66°C)

Alarm 2 mA @ 24 VDC
Max Voltage 4,5 mA @ 24 VDC
Dòng điện hoạt động @ 24 VDC 200 uA
Humidity 0% đến 93% Relative humidity, no condensation
Operating voltage Top DC 15 to 32 Volts
Increased detection rate Response at temperatures greater than 15°F/min or 135°F (8.3°C/min or 57°C)
Weigth 3,4 oz. (95 g)
Standard 5351B-IV,Đầu dò nhiệt cố định 135oF

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