2368-TP EN Selectable Gallonage

Manufacture: INGESCO
Product code: 2368-TP

2368-TP 2-1/2" EN Selectable Gallonage,2368-TP is a fire-fighting mausoleum imported Taiwan, providing full CO CQ inspection stamps, contact genuine buyers,


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Product information

Features 2368-TP EN Selectable Gallonage

EN 15182 compliant

Combination pattern nozzles with multiple flow settings

Superb wide fog pattern for optimum fire fighter protection

Combination of Style 2368-TO tip and Style 130 playpipe

Easy to operate with a-quarter turn straight stream to fog

One-click turn of the moulded bumper ring to flashover pattern position

Raised lug on the bumper for flashover fog pattern

Maximum flow position touch button on the flow selection control ring

Flow pattern detents facilitate positive positioning and smooth action

Laser-etched anodized label for excellent durability and visibility

Flush without changing pattern or shutting down

Specifications 2368-TP EN Selectable Gallonage

Style: 2368-TP
Product Name: 2-1/2" EN Selectable Gallonage
Flow Rate: 285-500-600-800-950 LPM
Operating Pressure: 87 psi (6 bar)
Inlet: 2-1/2" (65 mm)
Teeth: Spinning
Material: Alloy
Compatible Products: 220
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