10 channel fire alarm center formosa 10L ABS ,FMS-P6-10LA

Manufacture: Formosa
Product code: FMS-P6-10LA

Supply 15-channel formosa fire alarm center
⭐ Formosa 10L ABS 10 channel fire alarm center catalog (FMS-P6-10LA) , genuine formosa fire alarm control panel , 12 month warranty , Full delivery Nationwide, free shipping within 5 km radius , Provide video and manuals for the fire alarm center formosa fm p3, Contact 0917.911.114


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Product information


- Loop:10L

- Input power: 220 VAC

⭐Main Features

- Zone test: Check alarm function and fault.

- Backup battery test.

- Alarm verification: to avoid false alarms environmental noise and unstable pulses. When a fire alarm signal is received a detector or manual call point, the Panel accumulates a fire alarm signal before the Alarm Verification time: 12 seconds, if the fire alarm signal persists, the Panel initiates an alarm.

- Different sounds to indicate fire or disconnection.

- Fault indicator for wire disconnection, unstable AC power, battery short circuit or disconnection and fuse failure.

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