1 Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel AW-CFP2166-1

Manufacture: INGESCO
Product code: AW-CFP2166-1

The AW-CFP2166 series 1 Zone conventional fire alarm panel is the heart of the conventional fire alarm system, which can realize centralized control, can supply power to the detectors


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Product information

The AW-CFP2166 1 Zone series conventional fire alarm panel is designed based on EN54 part 2&4 standard.

1 Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel AW-CFP2166-1

It is the heart of the fire automatic alarm system, which can realize centralized control, can supply power to the detectors, manual call point, bell etc. One zone of the panel can match with 20 pieces fire alarm system accessories.

Feature 1 Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel AW-CFP2166-1

The AW-CFP2166 1 Zone fire alarm panel has the following characteristics:

Analogue conventional detector inputs: 20 detectors or MCPs maximum.

Smaller size and easier for installation, but all-around.

Maximum number of bells per CIE: 4 Bells.

2 relay-outputs: FIRE/FAULT.

High-capacity batteries: 12V2.3Ah2, over 8h for stand-by use.

Automatic power switchover: mains power and stand-by power.

Succinct functional buttons: friendly user interface for easy operation and recognition.

Fault supervision and notification: inputs, sounder, mains/batteries.

Evacuation: man-made fire alarm condition on panel.

Silence: sounders and panel buzzer.

Extensible application for GSM: inform user anytime by mobile telephone.

Technical 1 Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel AW-CFP2166-1

1 Zone Fire Alarm Control Panel AW-CFP2166-1

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