What is Decree 136 on fire fighting plans?
10/01/2023 News

The facility's fire fighting plan (form No. pc11) ✔️ ✅ School's fire safety plan, Instructions for writing the fire prevention and fighting plan, 2020 Fire and Rescue Plan, the facility's fire fighting plan (form No. pc12), copy of fire fighting plan, the person approving the fire fighting plan The responsibility for organizing the practice, fire fighting plan, belongs to

On-site fire fighting plan

1. Types of fire fighting plans: a) Fire fighting plan of the facility (Form No. PC 17); b) Fire fighting plan of the Police agency (Form No. PC 18).

2. The fire fighting plan must ensure the following basic requirements and contents:

a) State the nature and characteristics of danger of fire, explosion, toxicity and conditions related to fire fighting activities;

b) Propose the most complicated fire situation and some other typical fire situations that may occur, the possibility of fire development according to different levels;

c) Formulate a plan for mobilization and use of forces, means, commanding organization, technical measures, fire fighting tactics and work in service of fire fighting suitable to each stage of each fire situation. ;

d) Fire fighting plans must be supplemented, revised promptly and re-approved by competent authorities when there are major changes in the scale, nature, dangerous characteristics of fire, explosion, toxicity and other conditions. events related to firefighting activities.

3. Responsibilities for formulating fire fighting plans and coordinating in building fire fighting plans:

a) The Chairman of the Commune People's Committee, heads of establishments under management of fire prevention and fighting, owners of motor vehicles with special requirements to ensure fire prevention and fighting safety shall be responsible for Responsibility for organizing the establishment of fire fighting plans for residential areas, establishments, and means of using on-site forces and means within the scope of management (Form No. PC 17);

b) The District Police Chief is responsible for organizing the development of fire fighting plans of the Police agency for establishments on the list specified in Appendix II issued with this Decree and at-risk residential areas. high risk of fire and explosion in the area assigned to perform fire prevention and fighting tasks (Form No. PC 18);

c) Head of the Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police Department of the Provincial Police is responsible for organizing the development of fire fighting plans of the Police agency for the remaining facilities on the prescribed list. In Appendix II issued with this Decree, the fire fighting plan requires mobilizing police forces, military forces, agencies and organizations stationed locally and police forces of many provinces and centrally run cities. (Form No. PC 18).

- When developing a fire fighting plan, the police authority must notify 03 working days in advance to the head of the facility or the chairperson of the commune-level People's Committee where there is a residential area at high risk of fire and explosion about the time of the fire and explosion. time for developing the plan and necessary requirements for developing the plan.

- The President of the People's Committee of the commune where there is a residential area with high risk of fire and explosion, the head of the establishment specified in Appendix II issued together with this Decree is responsible for providing documents and information. necessary related to the formulation of fire fighting plans at the request of the police authorities, arrangement of participants and assurance of conditions for the formulation of fire fighting plans.

4. Dossier requesting approval of facility's fire fighting plan for facilities specified in Appendix III issued with this Decree:

a) The establishment's written request for approval of the fire fighting plan (Form No. PC19);

b) 02 copies of the facility's firefighting plan signed and stamped by the person responsible for organizing the development of the plan (if any).

5. Agencies, organizations and individuals submit 01 set of documents specified in Clause 4 of this Article to the competent authority in one of the following forms:

a) Directly at the Single Window Department of the competent authority;

b) Online at the public service portal of the competent authority (for documents and papers on the list of state secrets, comply with the law on protection of state secrets);

c) Through public postal services, through hiring services from businesses, individuals or through authorization according to the provisions of law.

6. The dossier-receiving officer is responsible for checking the composition and validity of the dossier and complying with the following regulations:

a) If the dossier is complete and valid as prescribed in Clause 4 of this Article, the information shall be received and recorded in the receipt and settlement of administrative procedures for fire prevention and fighting (Form No. PC03);

b) In case the dossier is incomplete or invalid as prescribed in Clause 4 of this Article, the instructions for completing the dossier shall be as prescribed and the information shall be recorded in the Instruction sheet for supplementing the dossier requesting settlement of administrative procedures. administrative procedures on fire prevention and fighting (Form No. PC04).


Tập huấn phương án chữa cháy

7. Notification of application processing results:

a) In case the application is submitted directly at the One-Stop Department of a competent agency, the officer receiving the dossier must directly hand over 01 copy of the receipt for handling administrative procedures on fire prevention and fighting or the provide guidance on supplementing dossiers of request for settlement of administrative procedures on fire prevention and fighting for those who submit dossiers and keep 01 copy;

b) In case the application is submitted through the public service portal of the competent authority, the receiving officer shall send a notice via email or phone message about the receipt or provide instructions on supplementing the dossier to the agency or organization. Organizations and individuals who have submitted applications;

c) In case the application is submitted via the public postal service, by hiring the service of an enterprise or individual, or by authorization as prescribed by law, the officer receiving the application must send 01 copy of the award receipt. to decide on administrative procedures for fire prevention and fighting or to provide instructions for supplementing dossiers of request for settlement of administrative procedures on fire prevention and fighting for agencies, organizations and individuals that have submitted dossiers before and keep them. 01 copy.

8. Persons sent by agencies or organizations to contact for application must have a letter of introduction or power of attorney, present a valid citizen identification card or people's identity card or passport.

9. Management of fire fighting plans:

a) The facility's fire fighting plan is managed at the establishment, residential area, on motorized vehicles with special requirements for ensuring fire prevention and fighting safety;

b) The fire fighting plan of the police agency is managed at the police agency directly developing the plan. Agencies and organizations with forces and means participating in the plan may copy, send and disseminate contents related to their tasks.

Phương án PCCC cơ sở

10. Responsibilities for organizing practice of fire fighting plans:

a) Chairpersons of commune-level People's Committees, heads of establishments, owners of motor vehicles with special requirements for assurance of fire prevention and fighting safety shall have to ensure necessary conditions, organize the practice of fire fighting plans of establishments, residential areas and vehicles under their management;

b) The police agency shall organize the practice of the fire fighting plan of the police agency at the request of the person competent to approve it;

c) Forces and means included in the fire fighting plan when mobilized for practice must participate fully; d) The person responsible for organizing the practice of fire fighting plans of the facility must send the plan and report on the results of the organization of the practice of the fire fighting plan to the police agency directly managing and taking responsibility before law. about the results of practicing fire fighting plans.

11. Public security agencies shall have to guide and inspect the construction, practice, management and use of fire fighting plans.

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