Protector PS007 Wall Sprinkler Heads Horizontal

Product code : ps007

Wall Sprinkler Head PS007, DN15, K = 5.6US, 68ºC
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Video giới thiệu mẫu đầu phun Sprinkler Protector PS007

Wall Sprinkler Head PS007, DN15, K = 5.6US, 68ºC

Đầu phun sprinkler vách tường Protector PS007 - Ngang Hướng

- Wall fire fighting systems are usually located in walls, emergency stairs, elevator corridors. Wall sprinkler is one of the important parts of the Sprinkler automatic fire fighting system. Specifications

- Type of nozzle: Horizontal spray. -

Operating temperature of the nozzle: 68ºC.

- Standard diameter: DN15 (mm).

- Thread size: 1/2".

- K factor (water flow): 5.6US

. - Standard display color shift: Red. - Origin: Taiwan.

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