Price list of fire protection equipment Nha Trang Cam Ranh
16/08/2022 Quotations

The best price of Cam Ranh Nha Trang 2022 Fire Extinguisher in Dong Nam, unlimited quantity, with inspection stamp, contact address 87/5 Tran Dinh Thao, P. Hoa Thanh, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City via hotline: 0917911114

Update price list : TẠI ĐÂY

9 liter Foam bottle: ABC 8kg automatic tank Automatic tank 8kg BC ABC 6kg automatic bottle 6kg BC automatic tank CO2 tank-24kg -TQ F4 BC tank F4 ABC tank F8 BC tank F8 ABC tank CO2-MT5 tank CO2-MT3 tank Binh T35 BC T35 ABC tank


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