KV-LITE SBC Dry Chemical Powder, Fire Fighting Equipment India

Product code : KV-LITE SBC

KV-LITE SBC dry chemical powders are important flame retardants because they are stable free flowing and easy to handle Different base materials are used to form dry chemical powders with one or more basis.

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Product information

Dry chemical powders are important flame retardants because they are stable, free-flowing and easy to handle. Various base materials are used to form dry chemical powders with one or more bases. Sodium bicarbonate is one of the important bases used since a long time. It is still very popular as it provides reliable, cost effective and user friendly fire extinguishing media. The base material Sodium Bi-carbonate is mixed with other ingredients to improve flow characteristics and expulsion properties. The powder is siliconized to impart excellent water repellency. - KV-LITE SBC is suitable for all class B & C fires involving flammable liquids such as gasoline, diesel, kerosene, oil, alcohol etc and gases.


- KV-LITE SBC powder is suitable for use in all types of portable fire extinguishers, as well as for mobile and fixed installation extinguishers. Dry propellants such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide may be used.


Property Typical Values
Appearance White coloured free flowing powder
Apparent Density 0.55 – 0.7 gm/cc
Water Repellency < 1.5 %
Moisture Content < 0.25 %
Flowabilty > 50 gm/sec
Particle Size Distribution Range (% Retained)
40 Mesh/0.425mm 0
100 Mesh/0.150mm 0 - 2
200 Mesh/0.075mm 0 - 10
325 Mesh/0.45mm 10 -35
Bottom pan 53 - 90
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