Kentom KT 3100TDL Incident Lighting Charger

Product code : KT 3100TDL

KT 2200EL kentom trouble light: 250,000
✔️  KT 402 ketom incident light : 290,000 , KT 403 ketom incident light : 320,000 , reference price, contact 0976 247 114 , when buying unlimited quantities , goods with 100% inspection stamp of the fire department ,Quote of incident lights Kentom KT 3100TDL : 0976 247 114 , Condition: 100% new , Available goods , Genuine warranty, unlimited quantity supply Deadline , contact: 0976 247 114

Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information


Charging power source: AC 220V/50Hz

Bulb :DL10W x2

Dry battery: 6V 5Ah

Charging current: 250 mA

Charging time: 24 hours

Lighting time: 2 lighting modes I = 2.5 hours (1 bulb) II= 5 hours (2 balls)

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