Flexible Connection

Product code : Flexible Connection

Flexible joint is made up of fabric reinforced rubber pieces of rubber and flat shape union, loose tube of metal flanged or threaded flange, used for pipeline vibration isolation noise reduction, comp...

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Product information

Flexible Connection joint is made up of fabric reinforced rubber pieces of rubber and flat shape union, loose tube of metal flanged or threaded flange, used for pipeline vibration isolation noise reduction, compensation displacement of the joint.

It is a kind of high elasticity, high air tightness, medium resistance and weatherability of pipe joint.

Features Flexible Connection

1, Small volume, light weight, good elasticity, easy installation and maintenance.

2, The installation time can produce transverse, axial, angular displacement, pipe impassability heart, flange unparallel restrictions.

3, The structure of the work can reduce the noise, vibration absorbing ability.

Technical Flexible Connection

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