Firepro Xtinguish System

FirePro Xtinguish™ is an exciting and new “green” fire suppression product for total-flooding applications or any installation where a fire suppression system is needed to protect the contents of a space. FirePro Xtinguish™ is non-toxic, with zero ozone depletion and global warming potential. It utilizes an aerosol-forming solid compound to extinguish fires by inhibiting the chemical chain reactions within the fire itself, breaking the chemical reaction of fire cleanly and efficiently.

FirePro® Xtinguish is an exciting and effective “green” fire suppression product for total-flooding applications or any installation where a fire suppression system is needed to protect the contents of a space.  FirePro® Xtinguish is non-toxic, with zero ozone depletion and global warming potential. It utilizes an aerosol-forming solid compound to extinguish fires by inhibiting the chemical chain reactions within the fire itself, breaking the chemical reaction of fire cleanly and efficiently.  While being very powerful, the FirePro® Xtinguish system installation is uncomplicated and maintenance is minimal.  FirePro® Xtinguish and the HCVR-3 and eLAN Releasing Fire Alarm Control Panels combine to produce a perfect extinguishing solution for Control Rooms, Electrical Sub-Stations, Electrical Panels and Cabinets, Sub-Floor / Above-Ceiling, Storage Containers / Trailers, Enclosed Machinery, Wind Turbines, Solar Inverters, Water Treatment Plants / Utilities, Marine / Railways, Warehouses, Cable Tunnels / CEVs, Heavy Equipment / Vehicles, and more!

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What is pcc Dong Nam commitment in providing equipment and components in the field of fire protection?

Dong Nam Technology and Trading Joint Stock Company, the leading unit in Vietnam, provides equipment and components in the field of fire protection (fire protection) with quality products, with clear origin, Quality, reasonable price. Customers who need to use fire protection products can come directly to Dong Nam's stores or call hotline 0917.911.114 - 0976.247.114 to be consulted directly by Dong Nam's technical team. for our customers

What does the Southeast's fire protection system include?

Including :

Automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system.
Wall fire fighting system, CO2 fire fighting, foaming foam fire fighting system.
Automatic fire alarm system (Mircom, Nohmi, Hochiki, Networx, Siemens, Ampac ..).
Classic and modern lightning protection system.
Direct lightning protection system.
Induction lightning protection system.

What is the motto of the Dong Nam pccc ?

Dong Nam pcc always operates with the motto: safety, efficiency. Always keep everyone safe.

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