Fire protection cabinets, Shilla outdoor fire cabinets size 300mm-1500mm

It is installed outdoors for the purpose of preventing external fire fighting of nearby buildings In the lower part, it is a storage device for fire fighting equipment , ( hoses, primers, connectors, wrench, etc) used for fire fighting , Size : 300mm ~ 1500mm

Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information

Size Specifications

  Diameter Structure Note
Horizontal (A) 700mm-1300mm 1.5T or stainless steel 1.6T Carbon Steel

Door area: 0.5m² or more Short side length: more than 500mm Inner width: 180mm or more Optional: materials such as fire hydrants, KFI certification.

Vertical(B) 1200mm-1500mm
Width(C) 200mm-500mm
Leg Height (D) 300mm
Door Width 150mm-250mm
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