Consulting and installation of fire protection equipment
06/07/2022 News

Installing fire protection equipment is an urgent requirement for agencies, organizations, businesses and even households. Because the risk of fire and explosion can happen anywhere, at any time.

Installing fire protection equipment is an urgent requirement for agencies, organizations, businesses and even households. Because the risk of fire and explosion can happen anywhere, at any time. Therefore, fire prevention and fighting need to be carried out in a mandatory manner. It is also a way to protect our lives and property.

Therefore, today we will advise on how to install fire protection equipment in the best way. In addition, the article also brings many other useful information, we invite you and your friends to follow and explore.

Consulting and installation of fire protection equipment

When installing a fire protection equipment system, you need to keep in mind the following particularly important things. Please remember and apply.

Calculation of the space required to install fire protection equipment.

The space of the place where you install fire protection equipment will directly affect the number and size of the equipment. The larger the area, the wider we will need a greater number of devices and vice versa. For example, a house with an area of ​​​​400m2, just one fire extinguisher is enough. However, if the space is 4 to 5 times larger, the number of fire extinguishers will also increase.

The height of the building also affects the selection of fire protection equipment. If the house is one-story, we don't need a rope ladder. But when there are 2 floors or more, you must be equipped with a rope ladder… Saying that so that you can understand, for different constructions, the selection of fire prevention equipment must also be adjusted accordingly.

Fully equipped with necessary fire protection equipment.

Fires often originate from many different causes and burning materials. Therefore, you are fully equipped with all necessary fire prevention equipment to be able to quickly handle situations that may occur. The first is a fire alarm device with a fire notification function through heat induction. Fire fighting equipment should be equipped with both types of extinguishers including CO2 fire extinguishers and powder fire extinguishers.

In addition, it is also necessary to equip other equipment such as emergency hammer, gas mask and rope ladder... Please prepare all necessary fire fighting tools so that we do not have to be embarrassed when a fire occurs.

Please choose quality fire protection equipment products.

Each product and device when circulating on the market need to be tested for quality. Usually about efficiency and safety. If the product is not good or the safety for users is not available, it cannot be circulated on the market.

The same goes for fire protection equipment, of course. Even the evaluation of this type of product needs to be done meticulously and in detail by the competent authorities. Only when the efficiency and safety are achieved will it be granted a certificate for circulation in the market. So, please go to reputable addresses to buy fire protection equipment.

Location of installation of fire protection equipment system.

The location of the installation of the fire protection system is very important. Require that the location must be easy to observe, if there is an incident, people can immediately take it and extinguish the fire. Not only that, the place for fire protection equipment needs to be aesthetically pleasing and suitable for the landscape. Only in this way can the fire prevention and fighting functions be ensured while ensuring the aesthetic factor.

In addition, when installing a fire protection system, there are many other issues that you need to pay attention to. You can consult and learn more. Remember to share with us in the comments at the end of the article.

Conclusion: Above is the advice on installation of fire protection equipment of Dong Nam Joint Stock Company. Hope this article will bring you many useful things. If you need advice or buy fire protection equipment, you can visit: / or contact directly at the address at the end of the article:


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