Circular TT BCA on management of fire prevention and fighting means
10/01/2023 News

Pursuant to the June 29, 2001 Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting; Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting dated November 22, 2013; Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 83/2017/ND-CP dated July 18, 2017 stipulating the rescue and rescue work of the fire prevention and fighting forces; Pursuant to Decree No. 01/2018/ND-CP dated August 6, 2018 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security; Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 136/2020/ND-CP dated November 24, 2020 detailing the implementation of a number of articles and measures to implement the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and the Law amending and supplementing a number of Articles of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting; At the proposal of the Director of the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Department, and at the request of the Director of the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Department; The Minister of Public Security promulgates a Circular stipulating the management, preservation and maintenance of fire prevention and fighting means and rescue.


1. Scope This Circular stipulates the principles, contents, dossiers, statistical and reporting regimes and responsibilities of relevant agencies, organizations and establishments in the management, preservation and maintenance of fire prevention equipment. , fire fighting and rescue, rescue. Article

2. Subjects of application This Circular applies to:

1. Police units and localities and officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the People's Public Security (hereinafter referred to as officers and soldiers) are assigned the task of managing, preserving and maintaining vehicles. fire prevention and fighting and rescue and rescue.

2. Agencies, organizations and establishments involved in the management, preservation and maintenance of fire prevention and fighting and rescue equipment. Article

3. Principles of management, preservation and maintenance of fire prevention and fighting and rescue and rescue equipment 1. Comply with the provisions of this Circular and relevant laws.

2. Means of fire prevention and fighting and rescue must be managed, preserved and maintained in a safe, economical and efficient manner, ensuring readiness for fire fighting and rescue.

3. The process of management, preservation and maintenance of fire prevention and fighting and rescue and rescue means is built in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer and the specifics in exploitation and use (locality). operation pattern, territorial zoning, climate, technical requirements).

Article 4. Interpretation of terms In this Circular, the following terms are construed as follows:

1. Means of fire prevention and fighting and rescue are the types of vehicles specified in Appendix VI issued together with the Government's Decree No. 136/2020/ND-CP dated November 24, 2020 detailing a number of articles and measures to implement the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting (hereinafter abbreviated as Decree No. 136/2020/ND- CP). 2. Management of means of fire prevention and fighting and rescue means an activity of planning, organizing, guiding and inspecting the use, preservation and maintenance of fire prevention and fighting means and Rescue and rescue shall be performed by competent agencies or persons in order to maintain the best quality of vehicles, ensure the permanent work of being ready for fire fighting and rescue.

3. Preservation of fire prevention and fighting means and rescue and rescue is the activity of preserving means to avoid damage and loss. 4. Maintenance of fire prevention and fighting means and rescue is compulsory work after a cycle of operation, exploitation and use of fire prevention and fighting means and rescue and rescue. according to the specified work content to maintain the good technical condition of the vehicle. Article

5. Appendix To promulgate together with this Circular the following Appendices: 1. Appendix I: Preservation and maintenance of fire fighting and rescue vehicles.

2. Appendix II: Preservation and maintenance of common fire fighting equipment. 3. Appendix III: Preservation and maintenance of personal protective equipment and clothing.

4. Appendix IV: Preservation and maintenance of life-saving vehicles.

5. Appendix V: Preservation and maintenance of rudimentary demolition vehicles and tools. 6. Appendix VI: Preservation and maintenance of communication equipment and tools. 7. Appendix VII: Preservation and maintenance of fire alarm and fire fighting systems; emergency exit lights, incident lights; extinguishing; flame retardant materials, fire prevention. 8. Appendix VIII: Form of log book to monitor the operation of fire fighting and rescue vehicles. chapter II MANAGEMENT, STORAGE, MAINTENANCE OF FIRE PREVENTION, FIRE FIGHTING, AND SURVEY, SURVEY Article 6. Locations for management and maintenance of fire prevention and fighting and rescue and rescue equipment 1. Locations for management of fire prevention and fighting and rescue and rescue means are warehouses, wharves, yards, ship locks, ports, offices of agencies or other locations decided by competent persons and must be protected. satisfy the corresponding conditions as prescribed in Clauses 2 and 3 of this Article.

2. Houses, warehouses and yards for storing fire prevention and fighting and rescue and rescue facilities must ensure security and order, have a lighting system, and be equipped with fire prevention and fighting means and equipment. common fire and satisfy the following conditions: a) Houses and warehouses for storing fire prevention and fighting and rescue and rescue means are construction works with a roof and surrounding walls, ensuring that they are dry, ventilated and clean; b) Parking lots for means of fire prevention and fighting and rescue is a place where outdoor vehicles are stored, which must be covered with a roof or have measures to prevent and control rain and sun.

3. Wharfs, boat locks and ports for means of fire prevention and fighting and rescue and rescue must ensure security and order, entry and exit rules, regulations on environmental protection, fire prevention and fighting. ; for inland waterway wharves, in addition to meeting the above requirements, they must have equipment for mooring means, have rules for operating in and out of wharves, arrangement and anchoring of means. 4. Fire engines, special-use vehicles for fire fighting and rescue, and fire pumps must be located indoors; Fire-fighting, rescue and rescue ships, boats and canoes must be arranged

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