AW-CSS2167-3 Conventional Fire Strobe Sounder

The product is a outdoor conventional type sound and light alarm, sound and light for short.

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Product information

The AW-CSS2167-3 Conventional Fire Strobe Sounder product is a outdoor conventional type sound and light alarm, sound and light for short. Automatic fire alarm system output devices used outdoors, mainly installed outdoors, through an alarm sound and flashing signal, suggesting that people outdoor fires.

By DC 12V electrical signal to the conventional type of sound and light alarms powered, it sounds an alarm buzzer and flashing lights flash issue.

In the event of a fire can be an effective warning sound and flash to notify people of outdoor fire broke out.

Features AW-CSS2167-3 Conventional Fire Strobe Sounder

1.    Merit:

1)      Equipment operation stable and reliable;

2)      Equipment easy to install, wiring;

3)      Equipment has also issued two kinds of sound and flash an alarm signal, even people with disabilities can be a timely response to evacuate;

4)      Devices with tamper feature, you can send an alarm signal when the tamper switch by malicious demolitions.

2.    Defect:

1)      Automatic fire alarm system can not identify the specific location of the sound and light alarm device alarm;

2)      Sounds kind is not adjustable, only one alarm sound choices

3)      No back-up battery supply power.

Technical AW-CSS2167-3 Conventional Fire Strobe Sounder

Please see also AV lice press equipment TẠI ĐÂY

Or all ASENWARE fire alarm equipment 

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