Article 15 of Decree 136, Regulations on pre-acceptance and acceptance testing of fire prevention and fighting results
10/01/2023 News

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1. Projects, works, and motor vehicles with special requirements to ensure fire prevention and fighting safety whose fire prevention and fighting designs have been approved must be approved by the investor and vehicle owner. Organize acceptance of fire prevention and fighting. The investor and vehicle owner must request the previously approved Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency to check the acceptance results mentioned above and issue a written approval of the acceptance results on fire prevention and fighting first. When putting works and motor vehicles into use.

- Acceptance of fire prevention and fighting includes acceptance of each part, each stage, each item, each system and handover; Particularly for parts of the project and motor vehicles that have special requirements for ensuring fire prevention and fighting safety when obscured during construction, they must be accepted before proceeding with further work. according to. The investor decides to accept each part of the project in case the area to be accepted meets the conditions for independent operation, ensures fire prevention and fighting safety and must be approved by the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency. Check the acceptance results and issue a written approval of the acceptance results before putting that part of the project into use.

2. Acceptance documents on fire prevention and fighting:

a) A copy of the Certificate or document approving the fire prevention and fighting design, enclosed with a dossier stamped with the approval stamp of the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency;

b) Copy of Certificate of inspection of fire prevention and fighting equipment;

c) Records of testing, partial acceptance and overall acceptance of the fire prevention and fighting system; d) As-built drawings of the fire prevention and fighting system and items related to fire prevention and fighting in accordance with the approved design documents;

d) Documents and procedures guiding the operation and maintenance of fire prevention and fighting equipment and systems and systems related to fire prevention and fighting of works and motor vehicles;

e) Document of acceptance of completed items and systems related to fire prevention and fighting;

g) Copy of Certificate of eligibility to provide fire prevention and fighting services of the supervision consulting unit (if any), the construction and installation unit of the fire prevention and fighting system. Documents included in the file must be certified by the investor, vehicle owner, supervision consultant, and construction unit. If documents are in a foreign language, they must be translated into Vietnamese.

3. The Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Agency checks the acceptance results of fire prevention and fighting of investors and vehicle owners according to the following contents:

a) Check the content and legality of acceptance documents on fire prevention and fighting according to the provisions of Clause 2 of this Article prepared by investors and motor vehicle owners;

b) Check the compatibility between the acceptance results of the investor and vehicle owner with the design previously approved by the Fire Department;

c) Organize inspection and testing of the probability of actual operation of fire prevention and fighting means and equipment and systems related to fire prevention and fighting of construction works and motor vehicles to prevent compared with test results of investors and vehicle owners. The inspection must be recorded in writing (Form No. PC 10). 4. Agencies, organizations and individuals submit 01 set of documents specified in Clause 2 of this Article, accompanied by a report from the investor and vehicle owner on the status of construction, inspection, testing and testing results. and acceptance of fire prevention and fighting systems, equipment and solutions and a written request to check the acceptance results of fire prevention and fighting (Form No. PC11) for the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency. Previous approval in one of the following forms:

a) Directly at the One-Stop Department of the competent authority;

b) Online at the Public Service portal of the competent authority (for documents and papers on the list of state secrets, comply with the provisions of law on protection of state secrets);

c) Through public postal services, through hiring services from businesses, individuals or through authorization according to the provisions of law. Application submission time is at least 10 working days in advance for important national projects and works, group A projects and works or at least 07 working days in advance for remaining works and means of transportation. Motor vehicles have special requirements to ensure fire prevention and fighting safety compared to the date the investor or vehicle owner requests to organize an acceptance test.

5. The officer receiving the dossier is responsible for checking the composition and validity of the dossier and complying with the following regulations: a) In case the dossier is complete and valid according to regulations, receive and record information in 02 copies of Receipt form for handling administrative procedures on fire prevention and fighting (Form No. PC03); b) In case the dossier is incomplete or not valid according to regulations, instructions on completing the dossier and recording information in 02 copies of the Instruction Sheet to supplement the dossier requesting settlement of administrative procedures on fire prevention and fire fighting (Model No. PC04).


6. Notification of application processing results:

a) In case of submitting the application directly to the One-Stop Department of the competent authority, the officer receiving the application must directly hand over 01 copy of the Receipt of settlement of administrative procedures on fire prevention and fighting or Instructions on supplementing the dossier requesting settlement of administrative procedures on fire prevention and fighting for the person submitting the dossier and keeping 01 copy;

b) In case of submitting documents through the public service portal of the competent authority, the receiving officer sends a notification via email or phone message about the receipt or request for guidance and supplementation of documents to the agency. agencies, organizations, and individuals who have submitted the application;

c) In case the application is submitted via public postal service, through hiring a service from a business or individual or through authorization according to the provisions of law, the officer receiving the application will send 01 copy of the Receipt and Resolution Form. Administrative procedures on fire prevention and fighting or Instruction sheet for supplementing dossiers requesting settlement of administrative procedures on fire prevention and fighting to the address of the agency, organization or individual that previously submitted the application. and save 01 copy.

7. The person sent by the agency or organization to submit the application must have a letter of introduction or authorization, present a valid Citizen Identification card or ID card or Passport.

8. Within 10 working days for important national projects and works, group A projects and works or 07 working days for remaining work projects and motor vehicles with Special requirements for ensuring fire prevention and fighting safety From the date of receipt of complete documents as prescribed in Clause 4 of this Article, the previously approved Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency is responsible for organizing the inspection. Check acceptance and prepare a record of checking acceptance results (Form No. PC 10). Within 07 working days from the date of approval of the acceptance inspection record, the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police agency is responsible for reviewing and issuing a document approving the acceptance results on fire prevention and fighting ( Form No. PC 12) and return the previously received acceptance documents to the investor and vehicle owner. In case of disapproval of the acceptance results, there must be a written response, clearly stating the reason.

9. The written approval of the acceptance results of fire prevention and fighting is one of the bases for the competent authority to issue a permit to bring works and motor vehicles with special requirements for ensuring safety. Fire prevention and fighting come into use.

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