- Recognizing and properly appreciating the importance of fire prevention and fighting, up to now, the Party and State have always had the right policies and guidelines to maximize the strength of the whole society. to ensure fire protection. Every year, on October 4, the entire population enthusiastically responds to the ''National Fire Prevention and Fighting Day''.
- In recent years, under the guidance and direction of the Party and State along with all levels of government, ministries, departments, branches and localities throughout the territory, in which the core is the military and public forces. security, militia and self-defense, and fire prevention and fighting have become extremely important tasks and have achieved many results and victories.
- However, with increasingly bad and harsh weather conditions, along with the carelessness and lack of awareness of some people, the authorities have predicted that the risk of fire and explosion will likely cause prices to increase and increase. There are very complicated developments. This is also the reason why fire prevention and fighting needs to be strictly implemented and meet even higher requirements. Although the authorities and functional forces try their best, without the collective contribution of the entire people, the victory achieved will certainly not be too great.
- The Prime Minister has directed that the heads of units, agencies and localities need to be responsible if large fires and explosions occur, causing great damage to property and lives of people. people in the areas they manage. To implement that spirit, first of all, it is necessary to enhance the sense of responsibility and role of the leading fire prevention and fighting management units in localities, and at the same time have the cooperation and consensus of units, agencies, and organizations. levels, sectors and all people. Units should proactively carry out inspection and supervision of fire prevention and fighting safety to have timely prevention solutions.
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