194 degree F Fixed Incremental Heat Detector

Product code : 5622

Heat detector 194
° F Fixed temperature / Acceleration rate Dual circuit mechanical heat detector, structure: fireproof ABS, 100% genuine, long-term warranty for 12 months nationwide, contact 0917,911. 114

Consulting hotline: 0944934114
Product information


• Multiple profiles to install: - Single and dual circuit models - Fixed temperature and fixed combination / rate of rise Rated 135°F or 194°F.

• Simple housing for civil works (Form 5601P)

• Easy-to-use terminal screws

• The following range of box mounting options: - A gang - Octagonal 3.5˝ and 4˝ - 4˝ square with plaster ring square to round

• Reversible holder


Size Diameter 1,69 "(4,3cm) H x 4,57" (11,6cm)
Heat sensor Fixed temperature 194°F (90°C), rate of rise of 15°F (8.3°C) per minute
Humidity 5 to 95% RH
Weight 6 oz. (170 g)
Wiring dual circuit
Wire gauge 14-22 AWG

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